Available Topics

Purpose Of Man In The World

1 What is Judaism? An Introduction to a Journey of Self-Discovery   ~ NEW ~
2 Introduction to the Purpose of Man in this World  ~ NEW ~
3 Caring for the Jewish Soul - Dynamics of the Body and the Soul
4 The World Was Established for Chesed
5 Hashgachah Pratit I: The Nature and Dynamics of Hashgachah Pratit  ~ NEW ~
6 Hashgachah Pratit II: Perceiving God in Our Lives  ~ NEW ~
7 Free Will I: The Nature, Importance & Dynamics of Free Will
8 Free Will II: Is There Free Will in Light of God’s Omnipotence & Omniscience?
9 Being Like God
10 Making Impressions for Stardom or Infamy: Kiddush Hashem & Chillul Hashem


Core Beliefs

11 The Jewish Understanding of God  ~ NEW ~
12 Developing and Strengthening Belief in God I: First Cause (Cosmological) and Design (Teleological) Arguments
13 Developing and Strengthening Belief in God II: The Moral Argument and Deciding Whether or not to Believe
14 Evidence for Torah M'Sinai I: Historical Approaches for Providing Evidence for National Revelation
15 Evidence for Torah M'Sinai II: Witnesses, Prophecy, Jewish Survival, Mitzvot, Torah Scrolls
16 Belief in God: Is There a Mitzvah to Believe?
17 Torah Study: The Foundation of Jewish Life
18 Honoring Parents  ~ NEW ~
19 Teshuvah I: Introspection and Growth or the Confession Box?
20 Teshuvah II: The Journey Back
21 Toward Understanding Suffering & Adversity
22 Taking Responsibility (Sechar V'Onesh)
23 The Chosen People
24 The Miracle of Jewish Survival - The Eternal Jewish People


Jewish Calendar

25 Introduction to the Jewish Calendar: Holiness in Time
26 Shabbat I: Plugging into the Goals of Life
27 Shabbat II: The Shabbat Experience
28 Rosh HaShanah I: Meeting Our “Author”
29 Rosh HaShanah II: The Big Bang and Me
30 Rosh HaShanah III: Simanim & Tashlich – Serious Excitement
31 Yom Kippur: Actualizing Our Mission in Life
32 Sukkot I: The Sukkot Festival, the Sukkah, and the Four Species
33 Sukkot II: The Week of Joy that Keeps us Dancing the Entire Year
34 Sukkot III: Hoshana Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah
35 Chanukah I: Illuminating an Eternal Conflict
36 Chanukah II: The Chanukah Miracles – How They Were Triggered and What They Teach
37 Chanukah III: It’s All Up to Us – Spreading the Light
38 Tu B’Shvat: When a Tree is No Longer Just a Tree
39 Purim I: Purim Unmasked – Understanding the Eternal Festival
40 Purim II: The Mitzvot of the Day
41 Pesach I: Slavery and the Pesach Miracles
42 Pesach II: Nationhood, Providence & Freedom
43 The Passover Seder Experience Handbook
44 Sefirat Ha’Omer I: Making it Count
45 Sefirat Ha’Omer II: Lag B’Omer and Striving for Spiritual Perfection
46 Shavuot I: What Does Shavuot Commemorate? & The Eternal Impact of Ma’amad Har Sinai
47 Shavuot II: The Ten Commandments, Preparing for Shavuot, Megillat Ruth & Shavuot Customs
48 The Three Weeks and Tishah B’Av I: Exile & Destruction
49 The Three Weeks and Tishah B’Av II: Why the Temple was Destroyed & How to Rebuild It


Spirituality & Kabbalah

50 The Jewish Vision of Spirituality I: The Quest for an Authentic Spiritual Connection   ~ NEW ~
51 The Jewish Vision of Spirituality II: The Spiritual Expression of Mankind  ~ NEW ~
52 The Jewish Vision of Spirituality III: Connecting to Spirituality in Time  ~ NEW ~
53 The Jewish Vision of Spirituality IV: Spirituality in Space & Beyond  ~ NEW ~
54 Prophets and Prophecy I: What is Prophecy, its Importance, and Who Qualifies to be a Prophet?
55 Prophets and Prophecy II: Limits of Authority, Examples of Prophecy, and Prophecy Today
56 Reincarnation
57 Introduction to the Messiah and the World to Come
58 The Messiah I: The Concept of the Messiah, His Necessity, and Qualifications
59 The Messiah II: The Nature of the Messianic Era
60 The World to Come I: What in the World is the World to Come?
61 The World to Come II: How Can I Secure a Front Row Ticket?
62 The World To Come III: The New You! Resurrection of the Dead
63 Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism I: What is Kabbalah and The Prerequisites for its Study
64 Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism II: Principles of Jewish Mysticism: Hishtalshelut
65 Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism III: Kabbalistic Explanations of the Torah, Mitzvot, and Reincarnation



66 The Centrality of the Land of Israel


Jewish Lifecycle

67 Brit Milah
68 Bar & Bat Mitzvah: The Transformational Birthday Party for the Soul  ~ NEW ~
69 Celebrating a Jewish Wedding I - Engagement to the Bedeken
70 Celebrating a Jewish Wedding II - Chuppah to Sheva Brachot
71 Jewish Perspectives on Death, Burial & Mourning  ~ NEW ~


Dating, Relationships, Love & Marriage

72 The Jewish View of Marriage - Marrying Your Ezer Knegdo - Soul Mate  ~ NEW ~
73 The Jewish Concept of Love  ~ NEW ~
74 The Philosophy of Taharat Hamishpachah & Mikvah - The Hidden Mitzvot of Love, Joy and Renewa 
~ NEW ~
75 Dating Jewish Style – The Search for a Soul Mate  ~ NEW ~



76 The Mitzvot and Why They Are Detailed  ~ NEW ~
77 Tefillin
78 Why Keep Kosher?
79 The Concept and Practice of Berachot   ~ NEW ~
80 Mezuzah



81 Prayer: Inner Jogging, Heavenly Connection  ~ NEW ~
82 Overview of the Amidah I: History, Structure, and Purpose  ~ NEW ~
83 Overview of the Amidah II: The Way to Pray - In Thought and Action  ~ NEW ~
84 The Beit Knesset: The Jewish Communal Spiritual Connector


Jewish Leadership

85 Jewish Leadership I: What is Jewish Leadership and What Characterizes a Leader?
86 Jewish Leadership II: More Leadership Qualities, Practical Skills, and Becoming a Leader
87 Avraham Avinu: The Great Progenitor


Money & Possessions

88 The Power of Tzedakah


Bein Adam L'Chavero

89 Taming the Inner Critic: Transforming Attitudes by Judging Favorably
90 Visiting the Sick
91 Hospitality to Guests
92 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: Ahavat Yisrael
93 Controlling Anger
94 The Stunning Power of Speech I: The Cosmic and Spiritual Dynamics of Speech
95 The Stunning Power of Speech II: Lashon Hara - Destructive Speech
96 The Stunning Power of Speech III: Reclaiming the Air Waves
97 Can You Ever Tell A Lie?


Ecology & The Environment

98 The Jewish View of Ecology and the Environment


The System Of Halachah - Jewish Law

99 Introduction to the System of Halachah - Jewish Law  ~ NEW ~
100 The System of Halachah I - The Revelation of the Torah   ~ NEW ~
101 The System of Halachah II - The Written Torah, the Oral Torah, and their Interrelationship  ~ NEW ~
102 The System of Halachah III - The Contents of the Oral Law  ~ NEW ~
103 The System of Halachah IV - Necessity, Advantages and Accuracy of the Oral Torah   ~ NEW ~
104 The System of Halachah V - The Chain of Torah Transmission  ~ NEW ~
105 The System of Halachah VI - Rabbinic Authority  ~ NEW ~
106 The System of Halachah VII - The Concept and Dynamics of Machloket – Dispute  ~ NEW ~
107 The System of Halachah VIII -The Halachic Process and Codification of Jewish Law  ~ NEW ~
108 The System of Halachah Flow Chart



109 The Jewish Approach to Abortion
110 Business Ethics I: Jewish Values in the Marketplace  ~ NEW ~
111 Business Ethics II: Case Studies in Jewish Business Ethics  ~ NEW ~


Personal Growth & Development

112 Judaism and Personal Growth I: Scaling the Internal Alps
113 Judaism and Personal Growth II: Making it Happen
114 The Jewish Vision of Happiness
115 Too Big for Your Boots: Balancing Arrogance, Self-Esteem and Humility
116 Defining One's Role in Life: Achieving Greatness


Understanding The History Of The Holocaust

117 Understanding the History of the Holocaust I - The Holocaust Events
118 Understanding the History of the Holocaust II - Jewish Resistance, Miracles, and Righteous Gentiles
119 Understanding the History of the Holocaust - Timeline